Posted on May 15, 2018 by

General Assembly 2018 in Kansas City, Missouri (Wednesday, June 20-Sunday, June 24) is going to be big. Our GA panel—cosponsored with the UU History and Heritage Society—is titled “Black Humanism in Unitarian Universalist Context and Beyond.” That takes place on Thursday, 1:30-2:30:00 pm in the Kansas City Convention Center, room 2502 B.
Black Humanism developed within a Unitarian context but spread far beyond. The panel will consider UU ministers Lewis McGee, a 1940s Unitarian minister in South Chicago, and 20th century minister William R. Jones, and how their work continues today. We conclude with a powerful voice of Black Humanism from outside the UU context. Speakers include Rev. Patrice Curtis, Rev. Karen Hutt, Rev. Dr. Nicole Kirk, and Mandisa Thomas.
Please join us for our Annual Meeting and Award Ceremony on Friday June 22, 5:00 – 7:00 pm in the Marriott – Andy Kirk AB.

And don’t miss our booth in the Exhibit Hall, Booth 411.
This is going to be big. If you can’t make it to GA, watch our website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.
Yours in Humanism,
Rev. Dr. David Breeden, President, UU Humanist Association
P.S.: Nominations are open for UU Humanist Board positions. Send us names! And expect our ballot by mail after our Annual Meeting at GA.
About davidbreeden7@g...
Rev. Dr. David Breeden is the social media manager of the UU Humanist Association, serves as Chair of the Education Committee of the American Humanist Association, and is Senior Minister at First Unitarian Society, Minneapolis. David has a Master of Fine Arts in poetry from The Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a PhD from the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi, with additional study in writing and Buddhism at Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. He also has a Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School. He blogs at He tweets at @dbreeden.