Humanist Oasis in the GA Exhibit Hall

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Booth 416

Drink deep from the latest books by our own Humanist Press authors and other Humanist writers; dive into a pool of nationwide social justice opportunities - immigration reform and opposition to censorship; quench your thirst for updates on cooperative projects on leadership training and humanist community. 

All this and the latest info on local Humanist groups and programs in the UU universe; engagement with representatives of local and regional secular organizations; the latest copy of the Journal of Religious Humanism and a collection of freethought wit and wisdom on stickers, pins and magnets.

Plus the chance to meet and greet HUU Board members and booth volunteers - experts tell us they are the liveliest folks at the General Assembly!

Stop by - refresh yourself, ask a question, give your opinion, renew your membership, get a UU Humanist namebadge ribbon to show your Humanist pride, peruse the displays, purchase a pin-on, stick-on slogan or some more substantial reading, make a new commitment to humanist values, make a new friend, make your day at GA!

Some say it will be worth the trip to Providence just to stop by the HUUmanists booth; some say you sense a deep and resonant pulsing there that is the heartbeat of UUism; some say you can't have more fun with your clothes on; all we know is - it's all good, but it won't be perfect till you get there.  See you at the booth?



About Roger Brewin

Roger Brewin's picture

Roger Brewin became a UU minister in 1977 and is currently retired from active ministry, after serving nine UU congregations. He is Minister Emeritus of First Unitarian Church of Hobart, IN. Roger is a long-time board member of HUUmanists and is editor of our journal, "Religious Humanism". He also performs one-man shows as a historical impersonator of Darwin, Dickens and Clarence Darrow.


"Some say it will be worth the trip to Providence just to stop by the HUUmanists booth"

Yes, it was! I stayed at a friend's house, parked in the wrong spot in her parking lot, and my car was towed ($141 to get it out! grrr)... and it was STILL worth it!

For those behind the booth and at those I met later that night, it was great to meet you and I hope to see or talk with you all again sometime.

-Bob Kinkaid from North Andover MA