Ribbons Not Walls

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Ribbons Not Walls is the title of two related Social Justice projects that will be featured at the HUUmanists General Assembly booth in Louisville this coming June.  You are invited to participate in either or both. 

A "Banned Books by Hispanic Authors" library will be created with a community group in Louisville - this is a continuation of our Banned Book SmUUggling project from the Phoenix GA.  We are collecting multiple copies of 70 plus books that were removed from Tucson classrooms by the State of Arizona (see previous blog posts from Nov 18 and August 19 for full details).   Please consider purchasing one of the books, and sending it to us well in advance of June, so that we can ship all the titles together.  Of course, if you are planning on coming to Louisville, just bring the book - but let us know which title.   The complete list of banned books is available on Ribbonsnotwalls.org, along with the address to which to send your selection.   

The Ribbon project is a large fabric arts work, consisting of two dozen or more panels created by UU and humanist artists around the country.  It will be on display at our booth in the Exhibit Hall at GA (along with other subsequent venues) and will be paraded throughout the week at major GA events.  Panels depict ongoing immigrant rights work, along with themes from several of the Banned Books.  (See the Gallery below for examples.) Applications are still being accepted from individuals and groups willing to contribute a panel, and have their work seen by hundreds of delegates.   Full details are at Ribbonsnotwalls.org.

If your question isn't answered by the website, feel free to contact Roger Brewin at 773 881 4028 or 773 551 8540, or Rabrewin@aol.com.


About Roger Brewin

Roger Brewin's picture

Roger Brewin became a UU minister in 1977 and is currently retired from active ministry, after serving nine UU congregations. He is Minister Emeritus of First Unitarian Church of Hobart, IN. Roger is a long-time board member of HUUmanists and is editor of our journal, "Religious Humanism". He also performs one-man shows as a historical impersonator of Darwin, Dickens and Clarence Darrow.