Posted on February 9, 2023 by Roger Brewin

This issue's theme will be "Humanist Work and Communities, A Compendium"
The UUHA plans a volume of short articles about groups and individuals who perform significant humanist work, and/or offer community and services for non-theists.
We seek suggestions of individuals and groups who write or publish books and periodicals, print or digital, produce online lectures, conversations, and webinars, hold in-person presentations and workshops, conduct weekly, monthly or quarterly gatherings, or otherwise offer humanist help and content to folks beyond their immediate members.
If you know of a humanist individual, discussion group, service provider, membership organization, congregation, or other entity that routinely reaches out, especially to isolated individuals and families, please respond to the Journal editor, Roger Brewin by return email or at 773-551-8540. Please provide contact information (phone, email, website etc.) for the person or entity you are recommending for inclusion. You do not have to provide detailed information, but please indicate if you would be willing to help write a short article (250-500 words). Sample texts will be sent.
We will be collecting suggestions for inclusion until February 15, and compiling completed articles through April 1.
Thanks for considering this opportunity to provide access to the many different instances of organized humanism.
About Roger Brewin
Roger Brewin became a UU minister in 1977 and is currently retired from active ministry, after serving nine UU congregations. He is Minister Emeritus of First Unitarian Church of Hobart, IN. Roger is a long-time board member of HUUmanists and is editor of our journal, "Religious Humanism". He also performs one-man shows as a historical impersonator of Darwin, Dickens and Clarence Darrow.