Use this form to apply for the Freethinker Friendly designation for your congregation. The form will send email to the Freethinker Friendly committee (a subset of the UU Humanist Association's board). Congregation name * Submitted by * Please enter the full name of the individual submitting this application. Submitter's role * Submitter's e-mail address * 1. Include language in your published welcome statement that incudes atheists, agnostics, humanists, and other non-theists explicitly. * How did your congregation accomplish the four requirements of the Freethinker Friendly program? Please review the program requirments on the Freethinker Friendly page and then indicate below how your congregation met each requirement. A few paragraphs is sufficient for each. 2. Discuss, as a congregtion, ways to be more inclusive and welcoming in your language and rituals. * 3. Provide times and spaces that celebrate the humanist worldview, such as regular humanist services or a humanist local group. * 4. Reach out to the wider non-theistic community and let them know you exist and that you want to support them. * Please have one of your ministers or other congregational leader (in the case of lay-led congregations) indicate how the Freethinker Friendly designation fits in with the congregation's mission. Minister/Leader's Statement *