The UUCS Humanists are a group of individuals who consider themselves Humanists and/or Atheists, Agnostics, Freethinkers, Deists, non-religious or seekers and who have been meeting over five years. We get together the second Wednesday of the month to discuss a variety of ideas and issues (6:30 p.m., socialization; 7:00, program). Our meetings are open to all people, and we enjoy hearing differing points of view.
Our programs are informative with plenty of time for a comprehensive discussion. Past subjects include the "Relationship Between Humanism and Atheism"; “Evolution vs. Intelligent Design”; "Evil and Suffering from a Humanist Perspective"; “Church-State Separation”; "Gap Between Rich and Poor"; "Thoughts on Christmas and Humanism"; “Humanists Response to Tragedy” (post Sandy Hook). We also explore new books by authors such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett and the history and thinking of famous Humanists such as Mark Twain, John Dewey, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Ernestine Rose and Albert Einstein.