The UU Humanist Association will have a modest and mostly online presence at General Assembly this year, If you're in Portland this year, Come visit us on Thursday in the Exhibition Hall, and learn a little bit more about us!
The real programming, though, will be available regardless of whether you're at GA this year. Below are our daily discussions, each of whch will be hosted on Zoom. You can follow the link below, or you can find login information on our virtual Exhibition on the Whova App.
Wednesday June 22
DISCUSSION: Introduction to the UUHA
2:30 pm Pacific (3:30pm Mountain | 4:30pm Central | 5:30pm Eastern)
What is the UUHA? What does it mean to be a Humanist within the UU tradition? What do Humanists bring to GA each year? UUHA Board Members Leika Lewis Cornwell, James Witker, Roger Brewin, and Jack Reich answer your questions about our organization's mission, values, and programming.
Thursday June 23
PANEL: Why am I a Humanist?
12:30pm Pacific Time (1:30pm Mountain | 2:30pm Central | 3:30pm Eastern)
A loaded question, one with answers as numerous as there are humanists in the world. UUHA members Jack Reich and Jim Scott lead a panel on why Humanism is the life path for them.
Friday June 24
Human(ist) Sexuality
3:30pm Pacific Time (4:30pm Mountain | 5:30pm Central | 6:30pm Eastern)
Reproductive justice and “Bans off our bodies!” are familiar to us as Humanists, but what about other sexuality justice movements? This open discussion, moderated by UUHA President Leika Lewis-Cornwell, will look at how period poverty, sex worker rights, sex education, and sexual healthcare access movements (to name just a few!) are advancing Humanist values…and what you can do in support!
Saturday June 25
Youth Focus Panel
12:30pm Pacific Time (1:30pm Mountain | 2:30pm Central | 3:30pm Eastern)
Unitarian Universalism and Humanism are facing a crucial moment as one generation passes on their traditions and values to the next. What import do young people have in shaping the evolving face of Humanism? What can we do to foster a vital and enduring legacy for young UU Humanists to inherit?
Zoom Login
The UUHA will be using the below Zoom Login info. Just use the login instruction below to join us:
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Meeting ID: 472 712 2797
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Meeting ID: 472 712 2797
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kewLFeKA9J