Happy New Year!

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Another year's over and a new one's just begun!

Happy New Year, everyone! 2015 was filled with accomplishments for the UU Humanist Association and 2016 is shaping up to be equally exciting. Last year we:

  • Had booths or tables at GA, many district / regional meetings, and numerous individual congregations
  • Added a dozen new Humanist groups to our directory
  • Held our Humanist of the Year celebration at GA for Kendyl Gibbons
  • Launched the Freethinker Friendly program a new Social Justice program
  • Published new issues of our Journal
  • Contributed to the new book, "Humanist Voices in Unitarian Universalism" from Skinner House, due out soon
  • And much more

If you are not sure of the status of your membership with the UU Humanist Association, please visit the website and join or renew to help keep the association strong. We rely on members for the resources to do the things that we do.

Matching Donations

The matching donations program is on-going: all donations made before the end of February, up to a total of $3200, will be matched by a small group of generous donors. Help us meet this goal by donating today. Thank you.

All the best,

Maria Greene
Executive Director

John Hooper


About Maria Greene

Maria Greene's picture

Maria Greene is the UU Humanist Association's former part-time Executive Director. (Maria has stepped down at the end of 2017 to attend to some extended family health issues.) Maria is also a professional web developer who lives in Massachusetts with her husband, their three busy kids and assorted pets. Maria's home congregation is the First Parish Church of Stow & Acton, she helps coordinate the Concord Area Humanists, a UUHA local group and chapter of the American Humanist Association that meets in Concord, MA, she is a volunteer with the Secular Coalition for Massachusetts, and with the Boston Coalition of Reason.